。侠🤪先尬)近日,人冥美国Reddit论坛上出现一篇标题为《NBA都有哪些名垂青屎的为敬冥人冥言》的讨论贴 ,美网友纷纷发表各自的键盘想法
。What are some all time nba quotes that aged poorly?人冥《NBA都有哪些名垂青屎的冥人冥言
?》One that comes to mind is Latrell Sprewells "I got a family to feed." After a solid season averaging 17/4/4 with the Timberwolves in 2004, Sprewell received a $21 million contract extension. He turned down the extension saying hes got a family to feed. The following season, Sprewells performance declined and he was out of the league the year after.楼主说:首先我想到的是拉特里尔-斯普雷威尔的那句“这都不够我养家糊口的!”2003-2004赛季在森林狼打出场均17+4+4的为敬良好表现之后,斯普雷威尔收到一份总价值2100万美元的键盘续约报价 ,但他回绝了这份报价并说道这不够他养家糊口的侠🤪先尬。接下去的人冥一个赛季,斯普雷威尔的为敬状态下滑
,并在那个赛季之后从联盟消失了。键盘 顶: 311踩: 5448